The first of the above book covers is the original book cover for I Love You And You Love Me: The Wedding Of Kixi And Mako Jhasmin. It was used on the website and not too great of a cover design. This title was my first book published on and with it the second cover. The second cover also replaced the original one on It wasn't much better as the design was pretty bad and I did receive some constructive feedback stating that fact. Upon taking that feedback onboard, I then worked on the third cover which is in fact this book's current and final cover.
The first of the above book covers is the original book cover for Beyond Seduction Deceit Betrayal. It was used on the website and not too great of a cover design. The second cover replaced the original one on and was the only one ever used for this title on the Smashwords edition, thus making it the book's current and final cover.
The first of the above book covers is the original book cover for She Jhasmin & I Kixi. The original proposed name of this book title was in fact, Because It Was Meant To Be. The title name on the first book cover also shows that title name. Upon publication, the name was changed to She Jhasmin & I Kixi, and is this book's current and final cover.
The first of the above book covers is the original book cover for KnM Blade: Part 3. This was submitted to upon the publication of KnM Blade: Part 3, but was rejected because of a copyright infringement. It was perhaps one of my best book cover designs to date, but the images of the two girls, despite their faces being altered to superimpose that of myself and Mako Jhasmin, was still deemed as using copyright material from Tron Legacy. So in having no choice but to remove those images, it was replaced with the second of the above book covers, which is this book's current and final cover.